​COAA Rally
Knoebel's Amusement Resort
Elysburg, PA
June 15-16, 2024
​The Mark Chester Memorial Rally
The Knoebel family and COAA invite you to gather at America's finest traditional amusement park for an awesome and memorable organ rally. Free parking, free admission, and free entertainment are hallmarks of Knoebels' hospitality. In addition, they will treat registered rally guests to their delicious signature barbecued chicken dinner on Sunday.
The bi-annual Knoebels rally has set the record for COAA rally registered attendance in 2004, 2012, 2014, and 2016 when 200 registered guests brought 23 large organs and 34 small organs! Come and see for yourself what brings so many of our members to this magical and memorable event.
As in past years, registered rally guests will receive ride tickets and will have the opportunity to take advantage of all that "America's Largest Free-Admission Park" has to offer. We will also have a hospitality room at the host hotel, the Quality Inn-Bloomsburg, the hours after the park closes to hob-nob with fellow organ enthusiasts on Saturday evening.
So, come join the fun and friendship and enjoy the "Happiest Music on Earth" at Knoebels Amusement Resort!
For more information about Knoebels, visit the park's official website at www.knoebels.com.